Thursday 30 October 2008

There's nothing new in programming

Java seems to re-invent the wheel all the time, mostly for no good reason. Or things start out simple as a replacement for the complex thing that they're replacing, and become that complex thing over time, which leaves outsiders like myself who come in saying things like "Why did you do it that way? There's already a good, platform independent way of doing that!!"

For example:

Ant - the java compile tool, is very complicated in places, can compile almost everything under the sun, and is basically, Make with a different syntax. What was wrong with Make?

Xml - Ooh look! A self-describing file! What a forward-thinking approach!! Except, it's not, EDI was exactly the same, and probably will go the same way - Xml will be adopted by very large businesses, and everyone else will ignore it or write libraries so they never have to deal with it directly. You still need to get the information out of each file, and yes, parser's help extract the information you need, but still. Big fat meh.

HQL - "Hibernate" query language. I'm sorry, but with all the major databases these days being ANSI compliant, what was wrong with forcing programmers to write ANSI sql? By using HQL, I tie myself into doing hibernate forever; With ANSI, I don't, and I get database independence anyway. The caching on most databases these days is pretty darn awesome too. What's the point of using hibernate at all?

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